773 research outputs found

    A pair potential supporting a mixed mean-field / BCS- phase

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    We construct a Hamiltonian which in a scaling limit becomes equivalent to one that can be diagonalized by a Bogoliubov transformation. There may appear simultaneously a mean-field and a superconducting phase. They influence each other in a complicated way. For instance, an attractive mean field may stimulate the superconducting phase and a repulsive one may destroy it.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, LaTe

    Analysis of the exactness of mean-field theory in long-range interacting systems

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    Relationships between general long-range interacting classical systems on a lattice and the corresponding mean-field models (infinitely long-range interacting models) are investigated. We study systems in arbitrary dimension d for periodic boundary conditions and focus on the free energy for fixed value of the total magnetization. As a result, it is shown that the equilibrium free energy of the long-range interacting systems are exactly the same as that of the corresponding mean-field models (exactness of the mean-field theory). Moreover, the mean-field metastable states can be also preserved in general long-range interacting systems. It is found that in the case that the magnetization is conserved, the mean-field theory does not give correct property in some parameter region.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; clarifications and discussion about boundary effects is added; the title is change

    Do anyons solve Heisenberg's Urgleichung in one dimension

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    We construct solutions to the chiral Thirring model in the framework of algebraic quantum field theory. We find that for all positive temperatures there are fermionic solutions only if the coupling constant is λ=2(2n+1)π,n∈N\lambda = \sqrt{2(2n + 1)\pi}, n \in \bf N.Comment: 19 pages LaTeX, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Noncommutative Manifolds from the Higgs Sector of Coincident D-Branes

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    The Higgs sector of the low-energy physics of n of coincident D-branes contains the necessary elements for constructing noncommutative manifolds. The coordinates orthogonal to the coincident branes, as well as their conjugate momenta, take values in the Lie algebra of the gauge group living inside the brane stack. In the limit when n=\infty (and in the absence of orientifolds), this is the unitary Lie algebra u(\infty). Placing a smooth manifold K orthogonally to the stack of coincident D-branes one can construct a noncommutative C*-algebra that provides a natural definition of a noncommutative partner for the manifold K.Comment: 10 page

    Validity and failure of some entropy inequalities for CAR systems

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    Basic properties of von Neumann entropy such as the triangle inequality and what we call MONO-SSA are studied for CAR systems. We show that both inequalities hold for any even state. We construct a certain class of noneven states giving counter examples of those inequalities. It is not always possible to extend a set of prepared states on disjoint regions to some joint state on the whole region for CAR systems. However, for every even state, we have its `symmetric purification' by which the validity of those inequalities is shown. Some (realized) noneven states have peculiar state correlations among subsystems and induce the failure of those inequalities.Comment: 14 pages, latex, to appear in JMP. Some typos are correcte

    The Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian Density in a 2-dimensional Spacetime is an Exact Differential

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    Recently Kiriushcheva and Kuzmin claimed to have shown that the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian cannot be written in any coordinate gauge as an exact differential in a 2-dimensional spacetime. Since this is contrary to other statements on the subject found in the literature, as e.g., by Deser and Jackiw, Jackiw, Grumiller, Kummer and Vassilevich it is necessary to do decide who has reason. This is done in this paper in a very simply way using the Clifford bundle formalism. In this version we added Section 18 which discusses a recent comment on our paper just posted by Kiriushcheva and Kuzmin.Comment: 11 pages, Misprints in some equations have been corrected; four new references have been added, Section 18 adde

    A microscopic model for Josephson currents

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    A microscopic model of a Josephson junction between two superconducting plates is proposed and analysed. For this model, the nonequilibrium steady state of the total system is explicitly constructed and its properties are analysed. In particular, the Josephson current is rigorously computed as a function of the phase difference of the two plates and the typical properties of the Josephson current are recovered

    Statistics and Quantum Chaos

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    We use multi-time correlation functions of quantum systems to construct random variables with statistical properties that reflect the degree of complexity of the underlying quantum dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, LateX, no figures, restructured versio
